Stop making "not link" blocks act like a link. Use links instead.
Arrow function syntax in javascript is incredibly weird and inconsistent
Do we really need to use integers in modern high-level languages?
How profit orientation leads companies into using dark patterns and tricking people...
Most people don't really get why this full stack thing is important. It's not about saving money or optimizing human resources in your company. This things are also important but the most important is that now developer can work on feauture all the way from planning up to shipping it to production...
I started working on new project recently, which will require mobile app and some backend for it. I know Rails well enought and obvious choise would be to keep using it. But i wanted to learn something new so i decided to choose some functional language...
I've created gem which allows to add views paths in controller. I wrote about this problem in my previous post...
Few weeks ago I found post explaining how DHH oranizes controllers in his apps. I also found nice post with a nice example of the controllers hierarchy. The main idea is to organize controllers the same way our website works...
Web developer and digital nomad
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